If you are interested in volunteering and need your hours tracked for another organization (college, workplace, association, etc.), you may register online without prior approval. Please bring your timesheet (typically provided by the institution requesting your hours) to your volunteer shift to keep track of your hours. If not, our volunteer software can provide a volunteer report listing all volunteer dates and times. Please email our volunteer services department at volunteers@habitathillsborough.org to request this verification report. Habitat Hillsborough is unable to verify community services hours for volunteers who do not sign-in and/or sign-out of their volunteer shift.
Court-ordered individuals and those seeking credit for high school and/or scholarship programs must attend our required volunteer screening to be eligible to volunteer.
Please contact our Volunteer Services Department to schedule an appointment to complete the necessary paperwork at volunteers@habitathillsborough.org or by calling 813-239-2242 ext. 114.
For court-ordered individuals, you will need to bring (1) a copy of a valid form of ID, and (2) a copy of your court paperwork stating your charges before completing any paperwork. After you complete all necessary paperwork, your charges will be verified by the Volunteer Services Department, and if approved, you will be granted access to schedule your first volunteer shift. We do not accept any theft charges, violent charges, and/or charges involving minors.
Important: Court-Ordered Community Services Approval can take up to two business days. Habitat Hillsborough does not accept all court-ordered offenses and reserves the right to decline court-ordered community services volunteers. Please plan accordingly.
Volunteers 18 years and older may register themselves and sign up for a volunteer shift online. 16 and 17-year-olds must provide a waiver of liability signed by a parent or guardian. They may work on a construction site by may not use power tools or ladders. For safety reasons, youth under the age of 16 are not allowed to volunteer on an active construction site.
Volunteers 18 years and older may register themselves and sign up for a volunteer shift online. 16 and 17-year-olds must provide a waiver of liability signed by a parent or guardian. They may work in the Habitat ReStore but may not use power tools or ladders. Volunteers 14 and 15 are welcome to volunteer at the Habitat ReStore with a parent/ guardian present.